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Our Approach

The table below outlines our key touchpoints, objectives, timing and participants for each phase of the work. We will work with Laguna Beach USD leadership to codesign all session agendas and outcomes and modify and adapt the scope below as needed and in consultation with the project team and sponsor.

Key Touchpoint Objectives Dates
Leading for Equity Administrator Kickoff
  • A half day workshop with Laguna administrators to kick off equity work for 2020-21 and align on goals and opportunities
  • Opportunities for reflection and learning on how to approach the 2021-22 SY through an equity lens for their role and context
August 6, 2021
Leading for Equity Campus Kickoff
  • Facilitated session with each campus to kick off equity work for 2020-21 and share where we have been and where we are going with this work
  • Opportunities for reflection and learning on how to approach the 2021-22 SY through an equity lens for their role and context
August 19, 2021
Leading for Equity Keynote Address
  • Dr. Luvelle Brown will deliver a virtual Keynote address to all district staff 
  • Keynote will be interactive and inspiring and will focus on an assets based approach to teaching and learning 
August 19-20, 2021
Equity Steering Committee SY 2021-22 Kickoff
  • Workshop with the Steering Committee to kick off equity work for 2020-21 and align on goals and opportunities
  • Share overview of timeline and clarify roles of team members
  • Provide an overview inventory process and stakeholder engagement plan and get feedback and input from committee members
August 2021


(September- November 2021)

Stakeholder Engagement- “Listening and Learning”
  • Engagement plan and guides for identified stakeholder groups
  • Facilitated interviews, focus groups, surveys
  • Report with synthesis of learnings and findings
September - November
Culture Inventory
  • 3-4 focus groups with varying stakeholders groups to assess organizational culture
  • Engage in survey administration for culture inventory
  • Develop administration plan
September - November
Academics Inventory
  • Collect data and artifacts related to academic indicators
  • 3-4 focus groups with varying stakeholders groups
  • Engage in artifact analysis and reflection discussion
September - November
Stakeholder Engagement + Inventory Readout and Reflection
  • Synthesize equity inventories and identify key trends and areas of strength and focus
September - November
Executive Summary
  • Synthesis and next steps developed to shared with community and school board
  • Optional session with Laguna Beach Board of Education 
PART III: STRATEGY & DESIGN (November 2021 - March 2022)
Design Session I
  • Education Elements will design and facilitate a series of working sessions with identified individuals to generate ideas to redesign the systems prioritized in the inventory and Connect phases
  • Ideation sessions will include 20-40 people
  • By the end of the ideation session we will produce guardrails for design 
November - March
Design Session II
  • Education Elements will design and deliver a working session to utilize design thinking to develop multiple prototypes to solve the challenges facing the selected systems. A prototype is a representation of an idea that you can test in a small, low-risk way to get immediate feedback and show proof of concept
  • The redesign session will provide a protocol for identifying concrete hypotheses and aligned theories of action for focus priorities, and begin to identify hypotheses and aligned theories of action
November - March
Prioritization Strategy Session
  • Identify a core team of leaders who will lead initiatives developed in the design session
  • Develop a plan of action to address key areas of growth and assign initiatives  teams to lead particular initiatives
November - March
Executive Summary
  • Synthesis and next steps developed to be shared with community and school board
PART IV: CAPACITY BUILDING (January - June 2022)
Onsite Support
  • Establish focus area and goals for each project team 
  • Develop timeline for project goals
  • Identify metrics of success for the focus group    
January - June
Project Management
  • Project management to monitor team progress, provide planning tools and templates to ensure all initiatives achieve goals
January - June
Bi-weekly Calls
  • Biweekly call with project sponsors to align on upcoming touchpoings, guide strategies, and assess ongoing support needs
August - June
Equity Steering Committee Sessions
  • Ongoing monthly workshops with the Equity Steering Committee launched in January 2021. These sessions may include or be augmented with sub-committees focused on specific focus areas and stakeholder priorities
  • Education Elements will develop a scope and sequence for Steering Committee sessions and will revise the scope as needed, in partnership with Laguna leadership
August - June
Administrator Project Status and Feedback Calls
  • Standing 30 minute dedicated time slots during standing leadership meetings to update leaders on the status of the equity work, get feedback to get input on developing strategies and decisions
9 x 30 min calls
Superintendent's Student Advisory Sessions
  • Monthly equity sessions focused conversations with an advisory group of LBUSD students to provide input and feedback on developing strategy
9 x 60 min sessions


As we look to engage more deeply with campuses and leaders in the upcoming school year, it is important to provide context for this work and opportunities for learning and alignment. In order to provide these opportunities for leaders and teachers across the district, we will provide several sessions at the campus and district level to provide an introduction to this work and give opportunities to engage in concepts related to power, privilege, and bias (topics and content TBD). These sessions will provide the groundwork for fruitful discussion and collaboration and help leaders and teachers to identify and articulate a shared philosophy and vision for this work.


The goal of this listening and learning and inventory phase is to dive deep into the experiences of stakeholders and district/school systems. Through this process we seek to understand to what extent does the organization prioritize and take action to ensure an equitable environment that prioritizes belonging. As such, Education Elements is able to synthesize multiple sources of data and identify strengths and opportunities for growth to help the organization make a plan to address inequities and elevate strong practices.

  • Our stakeholder engagement- “listening and learning” tour involves a comprehensive plan and process to deeply understand the lived experiences of stakeholder groups and individuals most impacted in the system. This process will provide an opportunity for traditionally marginalized voices to come to the surface and to highlight trends and opportunities for the Laguna community
  • Our inventory process involves a combination of a collection of artifacts, data collection and reflection activities in the areas of Leadership, Culture and Discipline, Academics, Hiring, and Equitable Engagement. We recommend selecting 3 inventories. In the proposal below we have highlighted Leadership, Culture and Discipline, Academics but are able to adapt based off of initial conversations with the Equity Coalition.


4 steps to analyzing the inventory approach: Questionnaire, Data, Resources, Surveys



(Engagement, Talent)

(Student Outcomes & Experiences)
(Student Outcomes, Teaching & Learning)
Equitable Engagement
(Engagement, and Resourcing)
  • Leader’s Interactions with Others 
  • Leader’s Recognizing
  • Identity Privilege
  • Leader’s Upholding or Reinforcing the Dominant Culture
  • Leader’s Management Style
  • Leader’s Understanding of Racism and Equity
  • Mission, Value, Vision
  • Expectations, Procedures, Routines 
  • Interventions and Supports
  • Community and Relationships
  • Identity
  • Development 
  • Professional Development
  • Access to Opportunities 
  • Assessment 
  • Instructional Practices 
  • Grading 
  • Curriculum 
  • Data Practices
  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Application
  • Selection
  • Onboarding
  • Social-emotional Needs and Reflections
  • Learning Environment
  • Engagement
  • Cultural Awareness and Action
  • Questions About You 
  • Preferences in Learning
  • Learning Styles


While we believe the inventory and stakeholder phase of work is crucial to understanding the current state of the district, we believe working towards an equitable organization requires taking action on data and developing a plan to ensure belonging, dignity and love for all students. It is because of this belief that we incorporate stakeholders throughout the process for feedback and ideation. It is our goal to leave this work with a clear theory of action and prototypes to address our goals.


Once the Equity Coalition develops priorities and a path forward through design, Education Elements will support scaling and supporting the broader organization. Education Elements will work closely with leaders to determine roles, responsibilities and goals for initiatives resulting from Design work.