What are our office hours?
Business hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:30. These hours are subject to change during the summer and holiday seasons.
How do I know what positions are open for application?
Laguna Beach Unified School District uses EdJoin Statewide Job Posting System to advertise all vacant positions which are open to all applicants. Both certificated and classified positions are posted regularly on www.edjoin.org
How do I become a teacher?
You must contact the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for information at www.ctc.ca.gov
How do I become a Certificated Substitute?
Laguna Beach Unified School District uses EdJoin Statewide Job Posting System to advertise all vacant positions which are open to all applicants. Both certificated and classified positions are posted regularly on www.edjoin.org
To apply for a Substitute Teaching Permit, you must contact the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for information at www.ctc.ca.gov
When are units due for Certificated employee's salary advancement?
September 1, but no later than November 1.
How many days do employees receive for jury duty?
If you are called to jury duty, you will receive a paid leave of absence for the entire period of jury duty service.
How can I become an Instructional Aide?
Laguna Beach Unified School District uses EdJoin Statewide Job Posting System to advertise all vacant positions which are open to all applicants. Both certificated and classified positions are posted regularly onwww.edjoin.org.
I'm new to California. How do I apply for a California Teaching Credential?
You must contact the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for information at www.ctc.ca.gov