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Career Education

The Laguna Beach Unified School District supports career education across all grade levels. Career education is an important component of our district’s mission to prepare all students to be lifelong learners and producers in their communities. The objective of LBUSD’s Career Education program is to guide students as they explore and experience aspects of career fields, while developing an understanding of their strengths, talents, and interests, in order to craft a post-high school graduation plan that will lead to success in adulthood.

The framework for the LBUSD Career Education program is based upon the California Department of Education's 12 Essential Elements for Career and Technical Education (see below). This document outlines the necessary components of a high-quality career education program. Providing access to college and career readiness across all grade levels affords opportunities for our students to learn vital career skills and develop a career plan for post-high school graduation.

The Laguna Beach Unified School District Career Education program develops activities and events which support our Career Education Continuum (see below). Our continuum spans grades kindergarten through post-high school graduation to assist students with the development of a comprehensive career plan.

For more information on our district’s Career Education program, please contact Kellee Shearer, our Coordinator of Career Education, at or 949-497-7700, ext. 5327.