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Career Exploration

It’s never too early to start exploring careers. The LBUSD Career Education Program provides services, activities, events, and opportunities to begin career exploration as early as elementary school and continues to support career development through high school graduation. The Career Education Program at LBUSD seeks to provide activities which peak students’ interests to learn more about career fields.

Career Exploration begins by developing an awareness for students of the diverse and abundant career fields, ones which require different levels of skills, training, and education. As exploration of new career opportunities occurs, students will develop insight and understanding of the requirements of different career paths. Our Career Education Program facilitates activities throughout the district to support students with career awareness, exploration, and planning. Activities like career presentations, field trips, workplace tours, informational interviews, and job shadowing are just some examples of ways students can explore new careers. 

Online tools can also facilitate career exploration in all students. Online career tools allow students to explore on their own, or with guidance from parents, teachers, or staff. There are many career exploration tools online; below are a few options students and parents can try out.