American Association for Gifted Children (AAGC):
Established in the 1940s, one of the oldest advocacy groups for gifted children. The association has a role in the Presidential Scholars program which recognizes 141 outstanding high school graduates each year. Primarily through their publications and correspondence, this association promotes gifted awareness and supportive systems. Duke University, Box 90270, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0270, (919)783-6152:
Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students:
Focuses on awareness about and Interventions for this often-misunderstood segment of the student population:
California Association for the Gifted (CAG):
A mission driven, volunteer administered, non-profit organization whose membership of parents and educators work to promote the welfare and appropriate education of gifted students. See website for Annual Parent Conference information:
California Foundation for Gifted Education:
A mission driven foundation that offers several grants and scholarships for both gifted students and GATE teachers:
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC):
An advocacy group consisting of parents, professional educators and affiliate groups from the various states to support gifted education at the national level:
Mensa for Kids
At Mensa, we understand your desire to see your son or daughter enjoy his or her ability, as well as challenge it, and we’re here to help you do just that. We make it easier by providing a wide range of benefits and opportunities for Young Mensans:
Orange County Council for Gifted and Talented:
Our local county Gifted and Talented organization:
The Association for the Gifted (TAG):
A special interest group of the Council for Exceptional Children. An advocacy group which focuses on the needs of the gifted within the broader range of diverse and special needs children:
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children:
An organization that works to network educators involved in gifted education around the world:
2e Twice-Exceptional Newsletter Page
What's 2e? It is short for twice-exceptional, a term often used to describe kids who are exceptional because they are gifted and because they have learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention difficulties, or just plain learning differences:
Gifted Education Communicator
The official publication of the California Association for the Gifted. It is published four times a year with each issue developed upon a theme of interest to parents, teachers and administrators. Has a pull-out section for students. A benefit of membership or available by subscription:
Gifted Child Quarterly
The official publication of the National Association for Gifted Children. A scholarly journal with articles of interest to graduate students, researchers and professionals. A benefit of CAG membership:
Gifted Child Today
A bi-monthly publication for parents, and teachers that addresses all areas of gifted education:
Imagine: Opportunities and Resources for Academically Talented Youth
The John Hopkins University Press, 3400 North Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, (410) 516-0309 or (800)548-1784. Published by the Study of Exceptional Talent (SET), a project of the Center for Talented Youth (CTY). A newsletter for talented students in grades 7-12 and their parents. Published five times a year, it helps students identify options at home, in school and in the community that will satisfy their intellectual curiosity and need for greater academic challenge. Topics include preparing for and entering academic competitions, writing for publication, choosing stimulating extracurricular activities, and finding appropriate college programs. Imagine also provides a forum for student creative writing, book reviews, and evaluations of colleges:
Parenting for High Potential
A new, exciting and colorful journal designed especially for parents by the National Association for Gifted Children. A benefit of membership in NAGC:
Understanding Our Gifted
A quarterly journal addressing the intellectual, social and emotional needs of gifted youth:
Research Centers Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
The ERIC system website is now a part of the Hoagies website. ERIC encompasses the world's largest and most frequently searched education database and a decentralized network of knowledgeable and helpful subject experts.
ERIC Publications for Parents - a set of 27 ERIC Parent Digests which offer concise research-based answers to parents' concerns about their children's education, can be reached via the internet:
National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT)
Based at the University of Connecticut. Directed by Dr. Joseph Renzulli, the NRC/GT is a collaborative effort of the University of Connecticut, City University of New York/City College, Stanford University, University of Virginia, Yale University, 52 state and territorial departments of education, over 167 content area consultants, and stakeholders representing professional organizations, parent groups, and business. Its' mission is to plan and conduct research about giftedness.
This national research center is supported by the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Act of 1988 which was designed to focus national attention on the needs of students with demonstrated or potential talent. This modestly funded program gives priority funding to efforts to serve gifted and talented students who are economically disadvantaged, speak limited English, or have disabilities.
A complete list of products including the new literature for parents entitled "The Parent-Teacher Conference Packet" can be obtained by telephone (860)486-4676 or by accessing the website at:
The Center for Gifted Education Policy
The Center's mission is to generate public awareness, advocacy, clinical applications, and cutting-edge research ideas that will enhance the achievement and performance of children and adolescents with special gifts and talents:
**CDE Outside Resources for GATE:
Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG)
The mission of the Summer Institute for the Gifted is to provide the highest quality educational and social opportunities for the academically gifted and talented students through program designed to meet their abilities and needs:
Center for Educational Partnerships: UCI
The Gifted Students Academy, GSA, is an intensive summer program for gifted middle school students, grades 1st through 10th. Participants select courses in each of the major subject areas of math, science, language arts, social studies and the arts and may attend as a commuter student or reside on campus in the UCI residence halls. Courses are offered in one-week modules and span over a four-week period. GSA offers a strong foundation of disciplinary studies while providing students a sampling of campus life. (Students in grades one through three attend as commuters only):
Davidson Institute for Talent Development
Gifted students interested in a challenging academic Institute on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno. This intense three-summer program should consider attending the Davidson THINK Summer week residential summer program offers exceptionally gifted 13- to 16-year-old students the opportunity to earn college credits that may be transferable:
Center for Talent Development
A Northwestern University program that offers a number of online learning opportunities for gifted students of all ages:
Center for Talented Youth
A Johns Hopkins University program that actively seeks students with the highest academic capabilities and provides challenging educational opportunities for them:
Education Program for Gifted Youth: Stanford University
Enroll your gifted child in computer-based multimedia courses in Mathematics, Physics, English, Computer Programming, and other subjects. Guided by ongoing research at Stanford University, we provide innovative educational tools, unmatched expertise and a supportive community to help advanced students and those seeking academic excellence achieve their greatest potential:
Pre-College Trio Programs – Berkeley
The Talent Search Program at UC Berkeley (TS), one of the largest Educational Talent Search Projects currently funded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Federal TriO programs, joined UC Berkeley in 1997:
College Board
Contains specialized sections for both parents and students. Updated SAT/PSAT, Advanced Placement, scholarship and college search information:
Gifted Resources
This site is dedicated to providing links for students at any grade level:
Hoagies' Gifted Education
Hoagies provides a comprehensive list of international and U.S. education resources:
Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
The mission of SENG is to improve the quality of life for gifted individuals so that they might appreciate, understand, and enjoy fully the intellectual and emotional talents they possess and the possibilities that lie within themselves: