Monkeypox (MPX) Resources
This page provides resources for expert information about the Monkeypox (MPX) virus from federal, state, and local health care agencies. If you have any questions or concerns related to MPX, please contact your school's nurse.
About MPX
CDC Monkeypox (MPX) Resource Page
California Department of Public Health Monkeypox (MPX) Resource Page
Orange County Health Care Agency Monkeypox (MPX) Resource Page
LBUSD Planning
- LBUSD is committed to maintaining healthy and safe school environments As with any infectious disease, LBUSD and our schools will monitor the situation and similar to COVID-19, we will follow guidance from expert health agencies such as the CDC, the California Department of Public Health and the Orange County Health Care Agency. At this time, these agencies are reporting that the “current risk of getting monkeypox in the general public is very low” and in Orange County cases “remain low.”
- LBUSD has been and will remain in close contact with state and local health agencies and will keep our community informed if health conditions or guidance for our county or schools changes.
- In the meantime, LBUSD schools continue to maintain enhanced COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting protocols and mitigation strategies, which are also effective in helping to prevent and limit the spread of monkeypox, along with other illnesses. Additionally, we continue to reinforce good hygiene and healthy habits with students, staff and families, including frequent hand washing/sanitizing and staying home when sick.
- When made aware of confirmed positive cases of MPX, we will report the case to the local health department as we would any other infectious disease. We will follow Orange County Health Care Agency guidance on notifying those who may have been exposed and complete the recommended sanitation process. We will continue to work in partnership with OCHCA to ensure any cases are handled with extreme diligence.