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Laguna Beach Unified School District offers a parent-paid bus transportation program. School bus transportation is provided by Durham School Services for students in grades TK-8. 

Students are required to present a District-issued bus pass when boarding. Passes require 2 business days to process and will be provided to the student at the school site. Review all rules and safety guidelines before purchasing. Kindergarten students (including TK) must be received by a parent or designated adult at the bus stop. Bus drivers will release all other grade students at their designated bus stop without a parent present. 



District-paid applications may be submitted via email to It is recommended applications be submitted in advance of the upcoming school year.

First page of the PDF file: DistrictPaidBusPassApplication
First page of the PDF file: SolicitudDePaseDeAutobusPagadoPorElDistrito

Contact Information - Bus Routes, Schedules, Delays, Lost Items, BusZone

Vickee Rebaldo

Vickee Rebaldo

Durham School Services | 6 a.m. - 4:40 p.m.
Jorge Ochoa

Jorge Ochoa

Durham School Services | After 4:40 p.m.

Contact Information - Bus Passes

Elizabeth Yoder

Elizabeth Yoder