LBUSD Presents
Lynn Lyons
Children and teens nationally are struggling with increasing rates of anxiety and depression that adversely impact a large proportion of youth. We strive to partner and share effective insights within our community to strengthen our school-based systems of care and ultimately reverse these trends to increase student health and wellness.
In 2018, we introduced our annual speaker series, “LBUSD Presents,” featuring keynote speakers that positively impact our students, school culture and climate. On November 1, sponsored by SchoolPower, we will welcome Lynn Lyons, a national-level speaker and subject-matter expert in understanding and intervening with children and youth experiencing anxiety and other mental health conditions. Parents, caregivers and students in grades 6 - 12 are invited to attend.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Laguna Beach High School Artists' Theatre
625 Park Avenue
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Lynn Lyons will explore how children and youth respond to stress in different situations, including:
what is considered normal and the emerging signs of more severe anxiety,how youth, families, and schools can interrupt the “worry cycle” andstrategies and skills that increase confidence and promote healthy independence.
Lynn Lyons is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist with 30 years of experience specializing in treating anxiety disorders in adults and children. She is a national-level speaker, podcaster, and author of multiple books on the topic of anxiety and mental health. Childcare will be provided for students in grades TK through 5 currently enrolled in LBUSD. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Interpretation in additional languages is available upon request.