Library Services
Our Vision
LBUSD Library Services provides and supports dynamic Learning Opportunities Valuing Everyone (LOVE) because what matters to YOU (our students, staff, and learning community), matters to us in your quest to pursue a lifelong love of reading, learning, and curiosity.
Our Mission
The LBUSD Learner Profile provides the framework for the Library & Information Service’s Mission by keeping the learner at the center of our work through building Constructive Collaborators, Empowered Learners, Creative Problem Solvers, Empathic Citizens, and Effective Communicators. Our mission commitments are listed in bold.
- Constructive Collaborator: I actively listen and contribute ideas, perspectives, and experiences to cultivate a learning community with shared trust and accountability (We provide a welcoming inclusive, and safe space where knowledge, experience, and perspectives can be actualized.)
- Empowered Learner: I maximize my potential by setting goals, having a vision for my future, being resilient, and embracing challenges. (We are responsive to the personal aspirations, interests, and identities of all students and staff.)
- Creative Problem Solver: I approach learning opportunities with curiosity seeking to create innovative solutions. (We equip and support students, staff, and community members who seek the skills and resources necessary for their interests and curiosities.)
- Empathic Citizen: I make a positive impact on my local and global community by modeling personal, social, civic, and global responsibility. (We build relationships, partnerships, and collaborations between students, staff, families, and the community.)
- Effective Communicator: I take the perspective of empathizing with others when sharing my thoughts and ideas in diverse contexts, media, and languages. (We continually encourage students to broaden their reading and learning horizons through empathy and encouragement.)
District Librarian Team
School Librarians Team
Love of Learning and Reading Websites
Useful Links
Ask Our Librarians