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In light of recent federal policy updates, we want to share information on the policies and procedures LBUSD has in place to respond to immigration-related matters, in compliance with state and federal laws.

Included in these recent updates, which have now taken effect, a White House Executive Order (January 20, 2025) and new Department of Homeland Security directives have removed the designation of schools as “sensitive” areas. This change permits Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents to conduct enforcement operations in these areas, including school campuses.

California Law & LBUSD Policies

In California, Assembly Bill (AB 699) ensures that students cannot be denied access to school based on immigration status. This law also prohibits schools from collecting immigration status information and requires districts to safeguard student records.

At LBUSD, Board Policy 5145.13/Administrative Regulation 5145.13 prohibits staff from collecting immigration status information and limits assistance with immigration enforcement except when required by law (e.g., in response to a judicial warrant or court order).

These laws and district policies ensure that students can access their education without fear of discrimination or unnecessary disruptions while also setting clear legal guidelines for law enforcement interactions on campus.

We have provided our administrators and front office teams with the necessary guidance to enforce district policies and respond appropriately to individuals without lawful access to student information or school grounds.

Family Support and Resources

School counselors and student support specialists (social workers) are available to support students who may be experiencing feelings of worry or distress. Additionally, the Family Resource Center, located at 733 St. Ann’s Drive, is available to assist families with any questions and can be reached at 949-497-7760. 

Families can also be connected to additional support and legal resources through the Orange County Office of Immigration and Refugee Affairs. For more information, please visit the State Resource Hub on Immigration and California Families, which provides additional guidance and support.